Handmade wooden bows for target archery or hunting, all made in lOS aNGELES.
If you're interested in a custom-made bow, contact me here.
One-Piece Recurve Bow
40# @ 28", 62" AMO, Right Handed
Limbs: Walnut in clear fiberglass
Riser: Cherry with maple accents
Nocks: Buffalo horn with cherry accents. Cherry maple string grooves
Comes with custom string and silencers
*Due to minor cosmetic flaws on the limbs, this bow is deeply discounted.
One-Piece Recurve Bow
40# @ 28", 62" AMO, Right Handed
Limbs: Cherry in clear fiberglass
Riser: Curly maple with Buffalo horn shelf
Nocks: Buffalo horn with cherry and maple accents. Curly maple string grooves
Comes with custom string and silencers
One-Piece Recurve Bow
60# @ 28", 62" AMO, Right Handed
Limbs: Maple in clear fiberglass
Riser: American Cherry
Nocks: Buffalo horn with cherry accents. Cherry maple string grooves
Comes with custom string and silencers
One-Piece Recurve Bow
25# @ 28", 60" AMO, Right Handed
Limbs: Ash encased in clear Fiberglass
Riser: African Rosewood
Nocks: African Rosewood overlays.
One-Piece Reflex-Deflex Longbow
23# @ 28", 64" AMO, Right Handed
Limbs: Osage orange belly with a hickory backing.
Riser: Paduak and Osage accented with Maple.
Nocks: Hand cut buffalo horn.
Comes with a flemish twist string.
English-style Longbow
50# @ 28", 64" AMO, Ambidexterous
Selfbow: single stave of pacific yew. Leather-laced handle.
Nocks: selfnock, hand-cut into tips
Comes with a flemish twist string
One-Piece Recurve Bow
50# @ 28", 62" AMO, Left Handed
Limbs: Curly Maple in clear fiberglass
Riser: Buggy Chestnut reclaimed from barn wood
Nocks: Buffalo horn. Chestnut string grooves.
Comes with custom string and silencers